We are heading towards that time of year again – spring cleaning! A time for starting fresh, clearing clutter, and creating space to welcome what this new season will bring. Unfortunately, while many of us are dealing with hardships that coronavirus has already brought us, the best thing we can do is look at the positives that being at home can bring us right now. Not only are we able to have more precious, quality time with our loved ones, but we’re able to focus on ourselves and our health as well!
Therefore, while I fully support you clearing out the junk drawer and donating clothes you haven’t worn in over a year (but swear you still will lol), I also want to support your well-being this season by deep cleaning + detoxifying what no longer serves you, and replenishing with practices and healthy habits that support your overall sense of wellness. Clearing out the old and inviting in the new takes time and intention. Nonetheless, it will naturally create a ripple effect where more healthy rituals are established and the not-so-healthy ones are left behind.
Just like with spring cleaning, you start with one room in your house or one closet since trying to tackle the entire house can be too intimidating, try implementing just one or two detox tips at a time. With that, here are my top tips on how to detox this spring & promote your overall wellness!
1. Bring on all of the greens
Whether you enjoy them juiced, blended in a smoothie, or piled on your plate, greens help to alkalize your blood and detoxify your body from daily attackers such as processed foods, toxic beauty products, pollution, and a stagnant lifestyle. Green leafy vegetables (like spinach, collard greens, and kale) have the ability to renew & repair cells and are vital in fighting disease and chronic health conditions.
Therefore, drink (or eat) your greens daily and find creative ways to add more to each meal for skin that glows and a body that’s boosting with health from the inside out! For example, this smoothie recipe is perfect for a seasonal, satisfying way to get more greens in your life.
2. Get outside
Take a break from the rush of daily life, plus the stress of current events, and start your day with a morning walk before work. Or, an evening hike along your favorite trail with a friend or family member. Are you currently spending your days at a desk? Bring a potted plant into the office and take time during your lunch break to go outside, clear mental clutter, and get grounded.
This season especially, we’re surrounded by reminders of new life, fresh hope and the beauty that life brings – so step outside and soak it all in! Breathing in the fresh air, soaking in the sunshine (and much needed Vitamin D), and appreciating the beauty around us, helps to refresh and restore our souls.
3. Try a simple face mask
Deep clean your complexion with a simple, non-toxic mask you can make at home. You can shop at your local health food store for the ingredients that you’ll need or online for natural clay masks! With that, once a week, apply your freshly made DIY mask after cleansing. Once it starts to harden, rinse with warm water and follow up with your favorite toner (this is mine!) and hydrating beauty cream.
However, the only stipulation with this detox tip is that you’re not allowed to multi-task. Therefore, no laundry, no emails, no real spring cleaning. Once you apply the mask, make this time is yours! Try practicing deep breathing, reading a book, writing in your gratitude journal, or simply sitting in solitude and practiced being present. Just enjoy a few quiet minutes to yourself to care for your skin and your self!
4. Gratitude
Spring cleaning is usually associated with deep cleaning your drawers, your diet, and your beauty products. However, one of the biggest ways to detoxify what no longer serves and supports you is through the power of the mind. While this detox process can sometimes feel even more intimidating than organizing your house or overhauling your makeup bag, it’s one that is so worth it! In fact, did you know that your thought life directly affects your physical and emotional health? So no matter what thought patterns may be circling around in your mind (maybe it’s anxiety, insecurity, fear, unforgiveness), negative mindsets wreak havoc on the overall health of your mind, body, and soul!
With that, one powerful practice to bring more positivity and health to your state of mind is gratitude. Make an effort this spring to try to take time every single day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for. Whether it’s writing a “Thank You” card, creating a gratitude journal and jotting down 3 things daily, or spending time in prayer and thankfulness before even getting out of bed in the morning. This is one ritual that is proven to minimize toxic thoughts and replace them with a lighter, more loving mindset!
5. Dry brush
I’ve talked about my love for dry brushing in many previous posts! This simple practice takes only 2 minutes before showering or taking a bath – which is another one of my favorite ways to detox!) Plus, the benefits of dry brushing are proven to promote beauty and well-being throughout the whole body. One of the most powerful and important benefits of dry brushing is lymphatic drainage. Okay, it may not sound so pretty lol. However, I can’t stress enough how essential lymphatic drainage is for radiant skin, a healthy body, and a happy self!
The lymphatic system helps to detoxify the entire body. But, when this system is blocked, it can cause a toxic buildup in tissues. This can lead to inflammation, congestion, sensitivities and other skin and health conditions. The light, simple strokes with a dry brush stimulate lymph flow to flush out toxins and waste, which strengthens the immune system, prevents sickness and increases energy levels. With that, definitely try to add dry brushing to your beauty routine to promote radiant skin, weekly detox and start feeling even more invigorated!
6. Find a favorite at-home workout
Now that many of us are stuck inside, why not take this opportunity to try something new? Such as an at-home workout! One that you can do in your living room, bedroom, garage, basement, or heck, even your bathroom if needed! There are so many at-home workouts out there that involve little to no equipment. You’re sure to find at least one that you love! Personally, my favorite type of home workout is a HIIT workout. HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training – making it a fast pasted, quick, and high calorie-burning workout! Plus, HIIT workouts can range from using tons of different weights to using just your body weight.
Not to mention, you could also do a complete HIIT workout on a treadmill or spin bike if you have one at home. Simply find a workout that works best for you and your goals. Plus, one that you enjoy doing. That’s the most important part! Especially when it comes to maintaining weight loss and supporting your overall health and wellness.
I hope these tips help you spring clean more than just the rooms in your house this season – although I totally support that too haha.
Do you have any other detox tips to support your overall sense of wellness?
Let me know in the comments below!
I hope you have a beautiful day and stay safe!
xo, Cydney