Where you will find tips on everything from self-improvement, wellness, self-care, beauty, healthy eating, career and even travel. I hope that every piece of content you stumble across will make you, my fellow 20-something-year-old, feel a sense of encouragement and reassurance as you take on the real world!   

Welcome To 

the blog 

Are you ready to up your wellness game?? I thought so! Get my easy and absolutely free, 10 step e-course to kickstart your wellness journey straight to your email inbox each day, for 10 days! Because you deserve to be your most confident, healthiest, and happiest self! 

"10 Days of Wellness Challenge!"

Yes, Please!

Hey there! Today I am talking about the 6 simple habits that have improved my life! Recently, I have been reflecting on a lot of changes in my life and how these changes have affected myself and those around me. Many things in my life have recently changed. My passions, my career choices, my goals, […]

6 Powerful Habits That Have Positively Improved My Life

habits that have improved my life

Developing an effective work ethic is the KEY to finding success in and outside of the workplace or college classroom! A good work ethic will make you a more valuable employee as well as a very diligent and prosperous student. But how do you develop or improve your work ethic? We’ve all been there, that […]

How To Improve Your Work Ethic For Ultimate Success

how to improve your work ethic

Do you have a bad habit of being late? Do you find yourself frantically running around in the morning trying to beat the clock? Then, driving 90 mph to get to work, school, or an appointment on time! I get it! I think we have all been there at least a couple of times in […]

How To Always Be On Time Starting Today

be on time for work or school starting today

Tackle your biggest goals like a boss! By learning the top 7 characteristics that you need to be successful! Use these qualities to drive you towards your goals and dreams! Not only in your career, but in all aspects of your life!   1.) Be decisive    Ready? Set? Decide! Cardio or Weights? Pizza or […]

The Top 7 Characteristics You NEED To Be Successful

The Top 7 Characteristics You NEED To Be Successful

I love to find new and unique ways to “side hustle” and work in my spare time to make and save some extra cash, all while I am still in college! And with this long list of side hustles for college students, there is a lot of opportunities to make some extra money! Making extra […]

40 Amazing Side Hustles For Students Who Need Money

side hustles for college students

Meet the Blogger!

oh  hey!

I'm Cydney! I am a wellness and personal development coach who is dedicated to helping and teaching my fellow busy and hard-working 20-something-year-olds the simplest and most convenient ways to begin investing in yourself, your well-being, and your goals! And help you create a life that you love! Sound awesome?! 

Learn more!

From a Friend to a Friend

Give me the Guide!

This easy to download calendar was created to help support YOU on your your journey to pursue self love in your life each day! And add a little bit of self-care in each day too. Each day is a new idea or a fun activity to love your life and yourself from the inside & out!

Cydney's 16 step guide to wellness, beauty & confidence 


Heck Yes! 

You know that I am all about focusing on your overall wellness every single day! And starting in your 20s is so important! So, here is my 16 step guide to support a beautiful transition in how you look & feel overall! Get everything you need packed into one simple guide that's supports a healthy body, radiant skin, confidence, and a happy soul!

31 Day Self-love Calendar 


More Freebies!

Coming Soon!

“My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.”
~ Ellen DeGeneres

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Cydney Marlene.