Where you will find tips on everything from self-improvement, wellness, self-care, beauty, healthy eating, career and even travel. I hope that every piece of content you stumble across will make you, my fellow 20-something-year-old, feel a sense of encouragement and reassurance as you take on the real world!
Are you ready to up your wellness game?? I thought so! Get my easy and absolutely free, 10 step e-course to kickstart your wellness journey straight to your email inbox each day, for 10 days! Because you deserve to be your most confident, healthiest, and happiest self!
Happy Monday! I seriously can’t believe that tomorrow is the first day of fall! It literally feels like it was just the beginning of September and here we are so close to October! However, now that it is officially the fall season, I am bringing you another review of my current favorite, all-natural essential oils […]
How many times a week are you actually able to get outside? For those of you who work a 9-5 job or are a full-time student, my guess is not as much as you would probably like to? Although it can be difficult to find time to get outside, let me tell you, it’s so […]
Happy Thursday! For today’s post, I am bringing you another review of my current favorite essential oils subscription box – Simply Earth! Simply Earth has released full spoilers for their September 2020 box and I am very excited to share them with you. If you check out my post from a couple of weeks ago, […]
Happy Friday! I feel like this week flew by so fast! Does it feel the same way for you? Also, this post was supposed to be published last Friday, haha, but I had an even more exciting post that came out instead! So definitely go check out that post next! Nonetheless, here are my 5 […]
Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful week and a beautiful day! I seriously can’t believe how quick June has flown by, it feels like it was just the beginning of May. However, I am really looking forward to July and the upcoming trips I have planned with my friends and family! Along […]
This year marks the second Father’s Day without my dad. I lost my dad on April 12th, 2019, unexpectedly, two days before my 21st birthday. For a small backstory, my dad had surgery on his ankle about 8 months before he passed. It had been healing very well all the way up to January 2019. […]
I’ve been in such a funk lately! However, I do believe that it is normal to be in a “funk” every once and awhile. Especially now, with what is going on in our world today. Life has been difficult for everyone lately and falling into a funk and feeling uninspired or demotivated happens to the […]
Happy Friday, my friends! I cannot believe that it is almost June. I seriously have no idea where this month went, but here I am sharing my 5 Friday favorites for May with you! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy today’s short and sweet blog post! Plus, let me know what some of your favorites have […]
Hey all! So today, I thought I would share 50 ways that you can instantly boost your mood and brighten your day! I’ve noticed that a lot of people have been focusing on the negative right now, which I get it, we’re all going through an uncertain and difficult time. But, because of that, I […]
Most likely the number one thing I have been loving about quarantine is the fact that I have an abundance of free time to workout now! Before when I was teaching, I would typically do my workouts after school. Even when I was exhausted and just wanted to curl up on the couch and watch […]
I'm Cydney! I am a wellness and personal development coach who is dedicated to helping and teaching my fellow busy and hard-working 20-something-year-olds the simplest and most convenient ways to begin investing in yourself, your well-being, and your goals! And help you create a life that you love! Sound awesome?!
This easy to download calendar was created to help support YOU on your your journey to pursue self love in your life each day! And add a little bit of self-care in each day too. Each day is a new idea or a fun activity to love your life and yourself from the inside & out!
You know that I am all about focusing on your overall wellness every single day! And starting in your 20s is so important! So, here is my 16 step guide to support a beautiful transition in how you look & feel overall! Get everything you need packed into one simple guide that's supports a healthy body, radiant skin, confidence, and a happy soul!