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9 Healthy Morning Habits You Need To Try

9 healthy morning habits you need to try

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Hey there! No matter what time of day it is, I hope you are having a beautiful day! ☀️Today, I want to share with you my 9 favorite healthy morning habits that you absolutely need to try out and add into your morning routine!

I want to make sure that you wake up feeling more motivated and inspired than ever before, and ready to set a solid foundation to feel great for the remainder of YOUR day! So let’s begin our day off right with a healthy and happy morning, shall we! ☀️☕️


9 healthy habits you have to try



1. Sunrise Meditation or Walk 



Get outside the moment you wake up! Being that it is currently June, I hope the weather is beautiful where you are and the sun is shining! Make it a brand new morning habit to take a quick outdoor, morning walk in the first half-hour that you wake up!

Not only is it a great way to exercise and a perfect morning boost to jump-start your day, buuuut, getting outside and breathing in that fresh, morning air will help to reset your circadian rhythm! (Learn more about the importance of your circadian rhythm and balancing your hormones, here!)

Take 15 to 30 minutes out of your morning to take a calming and meditating walk. Take your dog with you, or ask a friend or family member to join you! Either way, it is a beautiful way to solely begin your day, wake up naturally, improve your overall mood, get your exercise (cardio) in, and actually improve your sleep for later on that evening! It goes back to your body’s circadian rhythm and balances your hormone levels! I mention this more in tip #9 as well!



2. Hydrate 



Start your morning off right by being healthy, happy, and hydrated!

Where are all of my coffee lovers?? ☕️✋Before you begin your day with that large cup(s) of coffee, make sure that you drink (at least) a full 8 oz glass of water before you have your coffee!

Better yet, fill up this super cute (21 oz) water bottle to keep you hydrated all day! I actually fill up this water bottle the night before and keep it by my bed overnight. That way, I never forget to drink water first thing in the morning! This water bottle ensures that your water will still ice cold and fresh throughout the night as well!

After sleeping all night, your body is slightly dehydrated, so it is essential to make sure you ALWAYS hydrate before you caffeinate!

Drinking water first thing in the morning also helps to boost your metabolism by 24%! (source). And, the more water that you drink throughout the day, the more balanced your metabolic rate will be. It will also help flush out any toxins in your body, and drinking water will help to fill your stomach, making you feel full longer!



3. Don’t Forget Your Vitamins!



Along with your morning glass of water, taking probiotics on an empty stomach will lead to a healthy digestion system and high energy levels!

Probiotics also help to balance the good bacteria in your gut and they also give your immune system a daily boost! (source).

For me, I make it a habit to take my probiotics and accompany them with fish oil (Omega-3s) each morning as well! They are such an important supplement that promotes optimal and overall health.

Fish oil also helps to decrease inflammation, prevent the risk of heart disease, supports healthy cholesterol levels, maintain strong bones, and even helps to boost your mood!



4. Eat a Balanced, Nutrient Dense Breakfast 




healthy morning habits you have to try



How do you feel in the morning? Are you feeling sluggish, tired, or demotivated? Ladies, is it that time of the month? Do you ever just wake up feeling like you already want to go back to bed? I know that feeling too!

That is why I like to customize my breakfast based on how I am feeling any particular morning! This is such a great, healthy morning habit that you need to try out and incorporate into your life when you are just not feeling like your best self. 


We all have these mornings, so you are not alone when you wake up feeling crabby, drowsy or sluggish!


How can I improve my mood?


If you are feeling tired, try adding in some spirulina powder (an amazing superfood) to your smoothies for a quick pick me up!

Ladies, don’t let that time of the month hold you back or start your day off on a bad note. Try spicing up your smoothies, oatmeal, or even your coffee with some maca powder! It is a great superfood that will balance your hormones and give you an all-natural energy boost! Without all of the jitters or mid-day crash that caffeine can sometimes bring!

Nuts and seeds such as almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are a GREAT energy food that fights fatigue and will provide your body with healthy fats and nutrients keeping you full throughout the day!

All of these are wonderful and simple superfoods that will nourish your body from the inside out!



5. Nourish Your Soul 



Start your day off strong and with the utmost gratitude by caring for YOURSELF first thing in the morning. This is an essential ingredient for having a positive morning that will carry on the rest of your day. Begin each morning with gratitude, simply by journalling it down, saying it out loud, or praying about it.


✨Related Post:6 Powerful Habits That Have Improved My Life 


Turn on some uplifting music that inspires and motivates you! Open the windows in your house, light your favorite candle, or read a passage in the Bible or a chapter in your current favorite novel. The greatest of days start with a positive and healthy mindset from the very beginning!



6. Be Present in the Moment



Take this time to appreciate the beauty and simplicity that morning routines offer! Be intentional about keeping your morning quiet and peaceful. At least for an hour or so if possible. I’m sure it can be tough if you have young children or a job that requires you to wake up early and commute. But try to give yourself some YOU time in the morning!

Don’t use this time to go on your phone or scroll through your email inbox. Enjoy your coffee, tea, and/or breakfast without watching the television or scrolling through your social media accounts. Be present in the very moment and simply enjoy the calm and peaceful morning! It will be a perfect beginning to the day!



7. Make Your Bed 



7 healthy morning habits



This tip may not be considered as “physically” or “nutritionally” healthy as the other ones, but I find this tip to very healthy for you mentally! 

I know for me personally, the moment I make my bed in the morning I feel so much more productive! That is the first task that is accomplished for the day! It gives you that small sense of pride, even though it was a simple task, that you accomplished it! This sense of pride will encourage you to accomplish even more as the day goes on!

It has also been shown that making your bed, in the morning, improves your mood and lowers your stress levels as well! The look of your nice, made bed looks good and tidy, and it makes you feel good as well!



8. Get Moving 



Make it a healthy habit to move your body at least once a day. Not only does physical activity improve your overall health and wellbeing, but it also boosts your mood and promotes productivity for the rest of the day!

Do you want to be happier, have more energy, live longer, fall asleep faster, and feel better as a whole? Then just exercise! No matter your age, weight, height, sex, or physical ability, exercise benefits everyone! Exercise has also been shown to help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. 

Start today, by making it one of your healthy morning habits! All it takes is just one simple, single step. It doesn’t matter how you move your body, you can walk, do some yoga, swim, complete an intense cardio routine, or lift weights. Start small today and move your body in ways that you enjoy and in ways that are maintainable and easy to stick to!

Do what works for YOU in each season of your life. Physical activity should not be about checking a task off your to-do list. But instead, think of it as a way of appreciating your body first thing in the morning! Do it because you love it, because you CAN, and because you care about your body.



9. Try Waking Up at the Same Time Every Morning



Why is it important to wake up at the same time every morning?


As mentioned in tip #1, our bodies follow a circadian rhythm. And when it comes to our bodies circadian rhythm, consistency is key! Waking up at the same time each morning will actually help you sleep better at night as well. When we sleep in, even just on Sunday mornings, it makes it difficult to fall asleep the next night. This is why you want to create a fixed wake time.

Consider this: Do you ever sleep in one morning and go about your day feeling more tired than usual? Despite the fact that you slept in?!

A fixed wake time helps to build a strong desire for sleep while you are awake throughout the day. By getting up at the same time each day, you may actually reap some incredible benefits. In fact, having a fixed wake time helps decrease sleep deprivation and insomnia. 




  • easier to wake up each morning
  • easier to fall asleep at night
  • lowers irritability
  • improves immune system function
  • reduces the dependence on naps and caffeine
  • brightens your mood
  • boosts your energy
  • improves alertness and focus
  • and many more!



Remember, consistency is key! Give yourself a week to even a month, depending on your bodies needs, of consistency in your wake up times before you make drastic changes! Choose a wake-up time that you can easily and happily maintain. However, don’t let it be too early or inconsistent with the natural sleep pattern that you are currently used to. If you wish to start waking up earlier, begin small and set your morning alarm about 10 minutes earlier each day or week to get your body used to the new schedule!


✨Related Post: ✨8 Night Time Rituals Of Highly Successful Girl Bosses


Until next time!

xo, Cydney



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I'm Cydney! I am a wellness and personal development coach who is dedicated to helping and teaching my fellow busy and hard-working 20-something-year-olds the simplest and most convenient ways to begin investing in yourself, your well-being, and your goals! And help you create a life that you love! Sound awesome?! 

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Cydney Marlene.