Happy December 2nd my lovelies!! Isn’t it crazy that it’s already December?! I feel like this entire year flew by. Luckily, December is my favorite month out of the entire year, so I for one am really excited! To me, this month means spreading positivity, kindness, and happiness all around in every little way that you possibly can! That’s probably why I love December so much! Everyone is so giving, thankful, and cheerful! Therefore, with that, I decided to put together a free little 30 Day Kindness Challenge to help motivate and inspire you to spread a little kindness, happiness, and holiday cheer throughout your community!
And what better way to kick off the beautiful month of December than with a kindness challenge!? Just like last month’s 30 Day Gratitude Challenge if you tried that one as well!
Therefore, if you’re looking for inspo to cultivate a little kindness and giving in your life, then I hope today’s post and kindness challenge speaks to you!
I also added a downloadable PDF of the 30-day kindness challenge at the bottom of the page, that way you can print it off and cross off each day as you go along! Remember, you don’t have to go in order either! Complete each daily challenge in the best way that works for you!
With that, let’s dive into the challenge!
1. Buy a coffee for the person behind you
2. Compliment a stranger
3. Donate old, gently used towels or blankets to an animal shelter
4. Cook dinner for your partner
5. Donate books to your local library or children’s hospital
6. Hold the door open for someone
7. Visit a teacher who made an impact on your life
8. Donate any non-perishable items in your pantry
9. Put change in an expired meter
10. Offer to babysit for free
11. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the store
12. Bake cookies for a loved one or a neighbor
13. Leave a kind note on a co-worker’s desk
14. Compliment one of your siblings or another family member
15. Leave a gift for your mail carrier
16. Give someone an extra-generous tip
17. Tell your parents how much you appreciate them
18. Sign up to volunteer in your community
19. Buy your pet a surprise from the store
20. Shovel snow for your neighbor
21. Donate any old, gently used clothes to the Salvation Army
22. Shop or eat at a local business
23. Do a chore your partner or family member might typically do
24. Bring someone food or coffee at work
25. Leave a positive review for a business that you like
26. Offer to walk a neighbor’s or friend’s dog
27. Avoid any negative thoughts for the day
28. Pay for someone’s bus, cab, or Uber fare
29. Accept and give yourself compliments
30. Share this with a friend!
⬇️Click the link to download the printable PDF right here! ⬇️
“30-Day Kindness Challenge!”
I hope you enjoy this 30-day kindness challenge and numerous ideas for random acts of kindness in your community! Also, let me know if “you’re in” in the comments!! I would love to see who is completing this challenge with me!
And if you have any extra ideas to add to the list please feel free to share them below!!
Have a beautiful day! 💗
xo, Cydney