Hey there! This is week marks the seventh (almost eighth) week since I have been working from home. For the past three months, I had been working as a long-term substitute teacher since I am currently in college working to get my degree in Secondary Education. However, due to the coronavirus and schools shutting down, my day-to-day routine has shifted dramatically!
With that, I have had to create an entirely new routine when it comes to working on my blog and focusing on school work. And although I’m typically not “working from home” since I’m still in school, I realized that I still need to focus on staying productive and motivated while working from home. Whether that be on my blog posts/emails or upcoming school work. So, for today’s post, I want to share how to stay motivated while working from home and the 6 tips that have helped me the most! Because as we have come to realize, working from home requires a whole other level of dedication, motivation, and self-discipline! So, here are the 6 things I have learned so far about working from home!
1. Create a positive and healthy morning routine
I am definitely a morning person! And when it came to going to work, having to get up very early enabled me to have a structured morning routine. I knew that I would wake up and drink my coffee, I would make time for breakfast, and on a good day I would wake up even earlier to get my workout in before work. Therefore, staying home has really thrown off my morning routine. However, those principles of having a set routine still have to exist, just in a different way. If you want to stay motivated and have a productive day. So, you want to create a morning routine that is healthy and positive for you!
As for myself, I enjoy waking up and having a cup of coffee. I feel like I can function and coffee just makes me super happy haha! Plus, now that I’m working from home, I’m able to get my workout in early in the morning. So that has definitely been a positive change to my morning routine.
Additionally, when you get up late and sleep in until 11 or 12 in the afternoon, you’ve missed so much of the day. With that, it tends to get harder to get into a set routine when you wake up later. This is because, by the time you’ve finished your morning routine, it’s already 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Therefore, I encourage you to wake up early and create a healthy and positive morning routine!
Related Post: “6 Productive Things To Do While Stuck Inside”
For example, eating healthy foods in the morning to promote wellness and optimal brain function! Personally, I love to eat avocado toast, or oatmeal, or even take the time to make egg whites and hashbrowns! Whatever your routine looks like, create one that makes you feel good and ready to tackle the day!
2. Get ready for the day
This brings me to my next point! Usually, when we’re going to work, we’re actually leaving our house. Therefore, being home is very different and sometimes can make us feel lazy, unmotivated, and sluggish. For example, I catch myself wearing the same t-shirt and sweats that I wore to bed all-day haha! And because I wasn’t changing into something different, I wasn’t really feeling like doing any type of “work.”
With that, the missing key to unlocking our motivation and productivity is getting dressed and ready for the day.
Trust me, it’s that simple! Of course, I’m not expecting anyone to put on a fancy shirt and jeans while they’re at home all day, haha, but changing out of your pajamas into some comfy leggings or even a different pair of sweatpants (your work sweatpants lol) can really make a difference in your motivation. I realized that I simply feel better and more productive when I take a shower, wash my face, and get dressed. It’s like I’m signaling to my brain that it’s time to start the day and get working. All in all, I would highly encourage you to get ready for the day if you find yourself feeling unmotivated or uninspired to begin your tasks.
3. Have a designated workspace
While I’ll admit, there are many days where I want to take my computer straight to the couch, I find that it really helps to have a specific workspace in your home. Plus, working from the couch or even from my bed may be relaxing, but it can often lead to many distractions. Therefore, take an initiative to create a space that inspires you where you can really focus with no distractions. Even if you alternate between your desk and your couch throughout the day, it helps to have a specific spot for serious work time!
4. Create a daily to-do list
I follow a to-do list every single day! Creating a to-do list to accomplish after your morning routine is crucial for a productive day! Even if your morning routine is simply watching Netflix for an hour before you begin your work (you do you!), but once your routine is over, and once you’ve gotten ready, it is time to work. And that’s when the to-do list comes in handy! To-do lists are perfect for listing out everything you need to get done for the day that way you have the tasks on paper out in front of you. Plus, they help with time management!
With that, if your to-list is to clean and organize your bedroom for an hour, or get caught up with emails then do that, but you want to make sure that you have things laid out in front of you to keep you on task. Not to mention, to-do lists help you remember all of the things you want to accomplish that given day! Therefore, I tend to write out a to-do list each evening for the following day with everything that I either plan or hope to get done that day specifically!
5. Get in the sun
The sun is sooooo important!
Not only is it a great source of Vitamin D, but the sun simply brightens your mood and energy levels as well! Not to mention, it just makes you feel GOOD! With that, I know that getting outside to enjoy the sun depends on the climate where you live. For example, if you live in Michigan, like me, then you never know what type of weather you’re going to experience each day haha.
But, if you’re able to enjoy the sun where you’re at – then take full advantage of it! Even if you don’t have a backyard (like many people who live in apartments) try going for a walk, or driving to a park where you can sit at a bench or go bike riding! Even if you just spend 20 minutes in the sun, it will definitely brighten your overall mood and boost your immune system as well!
6. Don’t be so hard on yourself!
Listen up, girl! We are all experiencing something that we have never experienced before, at least our generation. Therefore, if you want to take a mental break that exists of a day or even a week, then you do YOU! There is no time limit for how long of a break you need to recuperate or to simply feel good mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually – and then to get back on track! The worst thing that you can do is compare yourself to other people.
I’ll be 100% honest with you, there are days where I feel great and I work out first thing in the morning, I tackle my to-do list before noon, and I just feel so productive. Then, the very next day I might feel exhausted, irritable, or simply lazy and not want to do a single thing. And that is perfectly okay!
You know yourself best, so listen to what your body is telling you!
If you feel like you need a break, then by all means relax and take a break! The whole point of this is to self-reflect. So definitely take the time that you need to rest, de-stress, and unwind, because that is so vital to your overall health and wellness. That way, you’re able to stay in a good headspace and get back on a productive & healthy routine while still tackling your goals from home!
What did you think of these tips on how to stay motivated while working from home? These are just a few of the things I have learned so far while working from home and social distancing. I hope they are helpful and useful to you as well!
If you have any suggestions or tips that have been working well for you while working from home please let me know in the comments! I would love to hear them!
Have a beautiful day!
xo, Cydney